ESG Investing: Exploring the Complexities of Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors (Ep. 14)

ESG Investing: Exploring the Complexities of Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors (Ep. 14)

ESG investing is becoming increasingly popular, and this episode explores why.

In this episode, Brent Connelly and Jon Schuetz, delve into the complexities of ESG investing and discuss how investors can navigate the environmental, social, and governance landscape.

They explore how factors such as air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy management play into ESG investing. They also unpack the good, the bad, and the confusing parts of ESG investing.

Jon and Brent discuss:

  • What E.S.G. stands for 
  • Different aspects of ESG investing
  • How environmental, social and governance considerations play into this strategy
  • The challenges investors face when navigating ESG investing
  • And more!

Connect With Jon Schuetz and Brent Connelly:

Socially responsible investing involves the exclusion of certain securities for nonfinancial reasons. This may result in the investor forgoing some market opportunities that may have been available to those not subject to such criteria. There is no guarantee that any investment goal will be met.

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